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Monday, March 29, 2010

A trip to unknown national herritage - Bar, Montenegro

Some nice shots about our beautiful city heritage are here.. few Sundays ago, we've gone to visit an old church that have been made for only one night.. It is situated on mountain Lisinj, below village called Donja Poda, of about 450m above sea surface.

In last centuries of Turk domination over these lands, last villages where people had to take Islam in order to survive, were made in these lands 12km south-east and East from center of the city Bar - the port of Montenegro.. In one of them, local people have made deal with the representative of Turk's military to spare them if they make the church in one night..

What have begun as a joke of a soldier, became very real for those people that have been protecting their lives.. most of Muslim people in these parts of city knows their prior Name and even a saint that was held as a protector of their houses.. some of them even today light a candle on those saint days..
I am flattered with respect they have to other religion and not putting those tasks ahead - or making problem of it.. That is why this city is so unique in the world - here religions live together - as port of Bar, have been half held by Turks that made their part of people into Islam and other half by Austrians that again have made that part of people Christian-Catholics and there have been left still people that have remained Christian-Orthodox till the day I am speaking of - so why should they fight ever? Those are the same people - brothers, sisters, fathers and children of same family trees that have been held here for centuries..

So let's go back to this heritage that have been left by brave citizens in that village. They have left a strong impression that man could do something from nothing just if he has will to do it! And which will is stronger from that one to save your precious and loved ones lives?

People that live around that church, have been latest Islamic made and they know for a presence of church that looks upon the city. It's doors are watching the sunrise on Adriatic sea every night and currently, that monumental building has no roof.. no doors and it is almost forgotten.. Local people have been asked for opinion and they have said that they'll help reconstruct the roof if archbishop of Orthodox church here allows to be reconstructed. We've got a new pope in county that is responsible for that region and hope to make it happen at last :)

After hard rains, strong earthquakes, that building have survived it all! It's floor is authentic - and walls have been slightly reconstructed on a manner that have been used in old times.. windows on north and south side are minimal - like those that were used for watching on enemy from walls that have been protected old cities.. Also there have been found a rock that have a picture of sword engraved into it, and we've found it finally last time, as the place where church is situated, is full of rocks and small oaks.. so here are some pictures to see :)

Story and photo by Marija Tadic

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ok people

It was really time to shake up this blog around again :) I've had a not very good 2009. it is now time to change it into a flourishing year of 2010.

In that name, I wish to all Orthodox Christians a happy Epiphany night and a Merry Merry Xmas :)

Let's make a retrospective of my youtube works about Montenegro - above all Bar, Virpazar, and Old road for Ulcinj travel - stories trough pictures :)


Travel - Skadar lake, Beach Ckla
Travel - Port of Bar, Montenegro - May 2008
Travel - Gluhi Do, Crmnica, Montenegro - Maj 2008.
Easter Friday - Virpazar, Skadar Lake, MNE - 25.04.2008.

And in addition - my photography video :)

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